(386) 402-8346
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Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluations

Comprehensive mental health evaluations, such as a biopsychosocial, evaluate an expansive combination of an individual's life occurrences. Mental health evaluations generally seek data associated with life experiences and a person's mental state of mind. The complete framework of a comprehensive mental health evaluation helps determine the circumstances surrounding most mental health-related conditions.

Quality Care From Quality Experts:

Mental health professionals may administer pre, post, and continuous assessments through various forms, including discussions, interviews, observations, or question- response formats. Pre-assessments help indicate specific mental health conditions and are essential instruments to determine targeted treatment interventions, set goals and objectives, and specify diagnoses. Post-assessments may help reveal progression in treatment, aid in evaluating established interventions, and assist in constructing necessary adjustments to a patient's treatment plan. Continuous assessments follow progression across a period and enable continued reflection of interventions.

What are the main components of a comprehensive mental health assessment?

  • Appearance
  • Behavior
  • Cognition
  • Thought Process
  • Judgment
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Mindful Healing

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We can't always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it.

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